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Rookgaard this way
Jius The Legend
died 4×, -3 lvls
Winner is
died 272×, -255 lvls


مين هوا مين في تيبيا

Tibia 24
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Featured Warrior's playtime

Crispy Pancetta

Day activity graph, CEST hours.
This graph does NOT show how much he is online.
This graph show when, during day, he is playing mostly.
What can u know?
  • when to catch him online
  • when you don't meet him in game
  • if this is normal human beeing - he is sleeping, going to school or working sometimes when there are periods of few hours inactivity (line at bottom)
  • if there is something wrong with this guy - one of when he is near always active:
  • this is honest but crazy player. He is sleeping short and not regulary, going to school or work from time to time only.

  • this is shared char played by few people

  • this is mostly not a human but BOT

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tibia.com is the only source of exact information about your favourite online game Tibia.
TibiaRing by Krzysio
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